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Course Title:Web Development Fundamentals 

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to web development, covering the fundamental concepts and technologies used to create dynamic and interactive websites. Students will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the principles of web design.

Course Format:

- The course will be delivered online through video lectures, readings, quizzes, and assignments.

- There will be interactive discussions and Q&A sessions to facilitate learning and address student queries.

- Optional exercises and case studies will be provided for practical application of concepts.


- No prior experience in web devlopment is required, although basic computer and internet skills are recommended.

- A strong desire to learn and a passion for digital marketing are essential.

Course Outline:-

Module 1: Introduction to Web Development Tools and Setup


  1. Setting up a development environment (text editor, web browser, etc.)

  2. Introduction to Git and version control

  3. Basics of the command line interface

Module 2: HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals


  1. Structuring web pages using HTML5 elements

  2. CSS styling and layout techniques

  3. Responsive design and media queries

Module 3: Introduction to JavaScript


  1. JavaScript syntax, variables, and data types

  2. Control structures (if statements, loops, etc.)

  3. DOM manipulation and event handling

Module 4: Front-End Frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js)


  1. Introduction to popular front-end frameworks

  2. Building user interfaces with components

  3. Managing state and data flow in a framework

Module 5: Server-Side Programming (e.g., Node.js)


  1. Introduction to server-side programming with Node.js

  2. Handling HTTP requests and responses

  3. Building RESTful APIs

Module 6: Databases and Data Persistence


  1. Introduction to databases (e.g., MongoDB, PostgreSQL)

  2. Database modeling and schema design

  3. Querying databases with SQL or NoSQL

Module 7: Authentication and User Management


  1. User authentication and authorization concepts

  2. Implementing authentication mechanisms (e.g., JWT, OAuth)

  3. Managing user roles and permissions

Module 8: Building Dynamic Web Applications


  1. Implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality

  2. Form validation and error handling

  3. Uploading and handling file attachments

Module 9: Web Security and Best Practices


  1. Common web security vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF)

  2. Implementing security measures (e.g., input sanitization, parameterized queries)

  3. HTTPS and secure communication

Module 10: Deployment and Hosting


  1. Deploying web applications to hosting platforms (e.g., Heroku, AWS)

  2. Configuring server environments

  3. Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)

Module 11: Performance Optimization and Debugging


  1. Techniques for optimizing web performance (e.g., minification, caching)

  2. Debugging tools and practices

  3. Performance monitoring and analysis

Module 12: Final Project


  1. Capstone project to showcase acquired skills

  2. Building a full-stack web application from scratch

  3. Deployment and presentation of the final project

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of web devlopment principles and strategies, and be equipped with the skills to create and execute effective web.

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